• Santri Untuk Negeri

Santri and Asatidz/Ustadzat of Nurul Falah Islamic Boarding School Enlivened the 12th Central Bangka Quranic and Hadith Recitation Competition (MTQH) 2023 with Outstanding Achievements.

Koba, Bangka Tengah - The 12th Central Bangka Quranic Recitation Competition (MTQH) was filled with fervor as the students (Santri) and teachers (Asatidz/Ustadzat) of Pondok Pesantren Nurul Falah Air Mesu Timur showcased their remarkable achievements. The event, which commenced on June 21, 2023, and concluded on June 26, 2023, in Koba, left a lasting impression on the audience.

During the closing ceremony, Algafri Rahman as Regent of Central Bangka, delivered an inspiring message. He urged the participants to bring honor to the regency of Bangka Tengah in the upcoming Provincial Bangka Belitung Quranic and Hadits Recitation Competition, scheduled to take place in Sungailiat, Bangka, in November 2023.

Santri and Asatidz/Ustadzat from Pondok Pesantren Nurul Falah actively participated in the MTQH, representing various districts in Bangka Tengah. The participants hailed from the following districts: Koba, Sungaiselan, Namang, Simpang Katis, Pangkalan Baru, and Lubuk Besar.

The results of their hard work and dedication were truly remarkable. The winners of the 12th Central Bangka Quranic and Hadits Recitation Competition (MTQH) 2023 from Pondok Pesantren Nurul Falah are as follows:

Category: Tartil Putri (Female Recitation)

1st Place:



Category: Qiraat Murotal Remaja Putri (Female Teen Recitation)

1st Place:


Category: Murotal Dewasa (Adult Recitation)

1st Place:


Ustadzah Zikri

Category: Hadist 500 (500 Hadith)

1st Place:

Amelia Mutiara Nurmala


Category: Hadist 100 (100 Hadith)

1st Place:



Category: Kontemporer Putra (Contemporary Calligraphy - Male)

1st Place:


Category: Fahmil Putra (Male Memorization)

1st Place:

Wahyu and team

Category: Fahmil Putri (Female Memorization)

1st Place:

Lola and team

Category: Syarhil Putri (Female Exegesis)

1st Place:

Zahra and team

Category: Tilawah Anak Putri (Female Child Recitation)

2nd Place:


Category: Tilawah Remaja (Teen Recitation)

2nd Place:



Category: Syarhil Putra (Male Exegesis)

2nd Place:

Ibnu Hiban and team

Category: Kontemporer Putri (Contemporary Calligraphy - Female)

2nd Place:


Category: Hadist 100 Putra (100 Hadith - Male)

2nd Place:


Category: Syarhil Putra (Male Exegesis)

Juara 3:

Rama and team

Category: Kontemporer Putri (Contemporary Calligraphy - Female)

Juara 3:


Category: Qiraat Remaja (Teen Recitation)

Juara 3:


The Asatidz/Ustadzat from Pondok Pesantren Nurul Falah also made the institution proud with their exceptional performances. They achieved the following positions in their respective categories:

Category: Murotal Remaja (Teen Recitation)

1st Place:

Ustad Zaky Munawar

Category: Murotal Dewasa (Adult Recitation)

1st Place:

Ustad Zikri

Ustad M. Ridho Ihsan

Category: Mujawwad Putri (Female Recitation)

2nd Place:

Ustadzah Jumita

The remarkable achievements of the Santri and Asatidz/Ustadzat from Pondok Pesantren Nurul Falah Air Mesu Timur in the 12th Central Bangka Quranic Recitation Competition (MTQH) 2023 have brought great honor to the institution and Kabupaten Bangka Tengah as a whole. Their hard work, dedication, and exemplary skills have undoubtedly set a high standard for future participants.

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